FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, all of the curriculums are digital files only. Please try and download and save it immediately. With the new website- download links do not expire!! Requests for new download links can be sent to support@discoverwildlearning.com.
More than one coupon cannot be used per order. Coupons such as the $5 off two coupon can only be used once per person/family. Coupons do not apply to state education funds or platforms (way too much work to be on these!)
Due to the nature of digital products, there is no way to return the product after it is received. Therefore, all sales are final. We know this is disappointing! Unfortunately, people abuse returning digital products to gain free copies. If you feel you have a special consideration or bought more than one copy of the same product by mistake, please email support@discoverwildlearning.com and we will try and help!
All curriculums are DIGITAL DOWNLOADS.
Need your curriculum printed?
You can print at home or at a copy shop. We have found that printing at home using an Epson Ecotank printer is the most economical. You can see it here https://amzn.to/2S3aDa5
Copy shops specializing in homeschool printing are often much more affordable than places like Staples.
Printing companies specializing in homeschool printing:
Hardcopy HQ: HardcopyHQ is offering Wild Math® and Reading customers a special 15% off discount. You can find out more on the special page just for Wild Math and Reading customers at hardcopyhq.com
Humble Heart Press humbleheartpress.com Use the code WILDLEARNING to save 10%!
Watson Family Press www.watsonfamilypress.com
If you live in Canada, I suggest Homeschool Print and Prep homeschoolprintandprep.ca
If you live in the United Kingdom, I suggest the Pingles Publishing print shop! http://www.pinglespublishing.co.uk/
No, digital products by nature and according to copyright law cannot be resold. This is true of any digital curriculum.
You may sell a printed version to another person ONLY if they have already purchased the curriculum themselves (you must see proof in the form of a receipt).
If you have any questions, please contact us at support@discoverwildlearning.com
Yes! We are currently a vendor with:
- California- Approved for many charter schools! We are always happy to become a vendor with your school.
- Ocean Grove Charter School
- Heartwood Charter School
- Granite Mountain Charter School
- Compass Charter Schools
- Empire Springs Charter School
- River Springs Charter School
- Northern United – Humboldt Charter School
- iLEAD Charters
- Suncoast Prep Academy
- Taylion Academy
- Coastal Grove Charter School
Don’t see your school? We are always happy to become a vendor with your school. Send the information (contact or links) on how to become a vendor to upport@discoverwildlearning.com.
We also accept emailed purchase orders from any school, district, or organization. Please include where you would like the curriculum emailed.
We also are vendors on many state education scholarship and education savings account programs. See the next tab.
Yes! We are currently an approved vendor with the following:
- Idaho Empowering Parents program via Classwallet platform
- Arizona homeschool funds via Classwallet
- West Virginia Hope Scholarship
- Florida Family Empowerment Scholarship via Step Up for Students
- Florida Personalized Education Program ESA via Step Up for Students
- Florida New Worlds Reading Scholarship via Step Up for Students
- New Hampshire Children’s Scholarship program via Classwallet
- North Carolina ESA+ via Classwallet
- Missouri Close the Gap Program via Odyssey
- Utah Fits All Scholarship via Classwallet
- Kansas KEEP program
- Virgina Education Scholarship (Pending)
We are also approved vendors for many charter schools! See the tab above for a list. We are always happy to become a vendor with your school. We also accept emailed purchase orders.
Don’t see your state or school? We would be happy to apply to be a vendor! Please email support@discoverwildlearning.com with information (links!) on how to apply! This helps us so much as it is hard to know which states have homeschool fund platforms!
We also accept Purchase Orders from any school or organization. Do to the significant extra work many of these platforms require, we do not honor coupon codes.
In general, Wild Math® follows typical U.S. grade levels. Each grade reviews key concepts from the grade level before.
Choose a grade that aligns best with your child’s current grade level or the main focus that they need to work on most for the school year.
The main focus areas of each grade are as follows:
- Kindergarten: Numeracy, subitizing (knowing a quantity without counting), and counting
- First Grade: Addition and Subtraction facts to 20
- Second Grade: Multi-digit addition and subtraction
- Third Grade: Multiplication and division facts
- Fourth Grade: Multi-digit multiplication and division, beginning fractions, geometry
- Fifth Grade: Decimal and fraction operations
All skills covered in each guide are in the table of contents that is included in the preview of each grade’s product page.
If you are having trouble determining the level of Wild Math® needed for your child, you may email wildmathcurriculum@gmail.com. Please include in your email information on the math skills that they can do well and areas they have trouble with.
Wild Reading™ is recommended for children ages 5–7 years old. Reading readiness depends on the child. For most children, this is usually around the age of 6 or 7.
Your child is ready for the entire Wild Reading™ program if:
- They are familiar with some or many letters and some or many of the sounds they make. They can write some or all of the letters.
- OR
- They know all their letters and sounds but are not yet blending letters to make words.
- OR
- They are just beginning to blend together letters and sounds to make words.
- OR
- They can blend whole words, but are still struggling to consistently decode words and read fluently.
Wild Reading Level 2 is recommended for children who have completed Wild Reading Level 1 or are ready to read words beyond short vowels.
Your child is ready for Wild Reading Level 2 if:
- They can read short vowel words and simple sentences.
- They can read digraphs and blends.
- They can read open syllable words such as: me, sky, go, and my.
- They know the high frequency/sight words included in Wild Reading Level 1
- They can write a sentence containing short vowel words and basic sight words.
Read my post about readiness for level 2 (including an assessment) HERE.
Wild Learning™ typically has a fall and spring sale. It also has a holiday/black Friday sale.
Wild Learning™ does offer school and bulk student licenses (for use online for example). Please contact support@discoverwildlearning.com for more information about bulk pricing for your organization.
Planners for all grade levels of Wild Math have been released. Planners are now included with each Wild Math Curriculum. New customers do not need to purchase a planner separately.
For past customers, planners are available in the shop (scroll all the way down the page). We are charging a small amount ($5) to help cover the graphic design, editing, and the significant amount of time this project required. If this is a significant burden on your family, please contact us via email about a scholarship.
We are also working on upgrading each grade level of Wild Math® with a brand new layout, updating links, fixing typos, etc. The new layout has a fresh look and makes Wild Math® easier to use! Only Kindergarten and First grade have been updated (April 2021 and Summer 2022).
Customers that have purchased the upgraded kindergarten curriculum were offered a free upgrade of the curriculum only. Emails were sent to the address used to purchase the curriculum. If you did not receive an email, please send an email with your order number or the name and email address that was used to purchase (and any other relevant details) to support@discoverwildlearning.com.
Weekly plans are now included in all grade levels and the plans are available at a discount to past customers. Lessons in Wild Math® do require a little planning/prereading and some gathering of materials. I suggest involving your children in the gathering of materials as this is part of the learning.
Wild Math is designed to be flexible for the family/teacher and the student. A suggested pacing guide is included, as well as weekly plans. I suggest choosing 2-4 activities per week to do with your student if you are using the product as your primary curriculum. If using as a supplement, choose 1-2 activities that complement your other math curriculum. You do not need to do every suggested activity; pick and choose what works best for you and your student(s). Plan one week at a time. Any more than that, and you will likely end up changing your plans! There are now parent-managed planning groups for Wild Math on Facebook.
Wild Reading contains weekly plans that follow a weekly rhythm. Other than prepping materials and gathering some books, it is considered open and go! I do suggest that you read or quickly look over the chapter before each week.
Yes! The city is a great place to learn math or reading outside. Outdoors doesn’t always mean in the woods or other extremely wild locations. Outdoors can be the sidewalk, stoop, driveway, porch or balcony, park, playground, community garden, pocket park, zoo, or aquarium! There are so many options! Use what you have available to you! You can also bring in natural materials to use for learning inside and outside. When visiting a more “wild” place consider collecting pinecones, rocks, shells, sticks, and other natural materials to bring home and use for learning! Take them with you outside to the sidewalk, stoop, or to the playground to use! If natural materials are difficult to locate, you can purchase natural materials at craft stores or online. You can also substitute items such as popsicle sticks, wood discs, dried beans, etc.
Yes! I encourage you to use the natural materials available where you live. This means that the materials you use may be different from the materials and examples that I use. This is ok! You should learn and experience the environment and habitats that exist where you live! Just substitute and adapt as you go. If you have some great adaptations we would love to hear about them!
All seasons and weather! We live in the Northeastern United States and experience all four seasons. Each season offers its own different learning opportunities!
Don’t let the weather stop you! There is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing!
With most activities, there are ways you can simplify them for younger children or challenge older ones. Many activities are fairly simple and children can do them independently some of the time leaving you time to help another child(ren). You can also work with one child while the other is playing nearby.
Some of the activities are the same or repeated in the grade levels, but the content may change. Activities such as popsicle stick scavenger hunts, math nature walks, and using chalk can allow children to work on a similar activity but at their level.
Wild Reading also contains some recommendations on how to integrate older and younger siblings.
No! Most of the materials I suggest can be found in nature for free! You may already own other items like rope, rulers, hula hoops, old sheets, etc. I have a list of suggested materials on the sample pages. The only other items you may need are outerwear. I bet you already have some! Look for it used locally or on ebay!
Materials lists are in the preview pictures of each product.
The books and games are supplements. They provide great ways to learn math in different ways. Games are the best way to practice math facts, mental math, visual-spatial skills, and other skills without worksheets or drill-type activities.
If you are on a budget, try these suggestions
- Look for free printable games online
- Purchase books with many games, such as Denise Gaskin’s books (see more in my Amazon store)
- Look for games in thrift stores (we have found some great ones there!)
- When grandparents ask about holiday or birthday gifts, suggest they gift a game.
- When purchasing, focus on games that build skills in areas your child needs the most practice in.
I used interlibrary loan within our own library system and the WorldCat system (across the U.S.) to compile and select the math books in the resources. Do not buy all of these books! Use the ones you can find, substitute with what is at the library, or skip!
At this time, I do not plan to add higher levels of Wild Math. I do plan to add one more level of Wild Reading, but I do not have an expected publication date.
Between publishing my book, Wild Learning, Practical Ideas to Bring Teaching Outdoors, working on my doctorate, and homeschooling, I have not been able to write an additional full curriculum. Writing a curriculum the size of Wild Reading (over 400 pages), takes at least a year of full-time work. As a part of my doctoral program, I may be developing a curriculum integrating outdoor learning with literacy and sustainability. I am also researching outdoor learning and academic skills.
I do plan to release units, supplements, and resources, so make sure you are signed up for my emails!
Both levels of Wild Reading™ have a list of material on their info pages.
The main required materials needed for Level 1 are:
- Bob Books Beginning Readers ($10)
- Fun Tales Readers ($20)
- Moveable alphabet (DIY versions up to around $30)
- Sidewalk chalk (varies $1-10 depending on where you purchase and how much)
Materials for level 2:
- Field guides for your geographic area
- Moveable alphabet (DIY versions up to around $30)
- Sidewalk chalk (varies $1-10 depending on where you purchase and how much)
- The Alphabet Series Volume 2 by Frances Bloom and Mary Geiger (Books 19-29) (available at Rainbow Resources, School Specialty, and Christian Book all have international shipping) (See below about a digital alternative if these are unavailable or out of your budget)
If you are unable to source the Alphabet Book Series or they are out of your budget, I suggest these digital readers instead. Please be aware that these are not a perfect substitution, the sight words and skills may not align perfectly and are much shorter than the Alphabet Book Series.
I suggest the following digital readers from Grade School Snapshots on the Teachers Pay Teachers Website. The four sets of readers are approximately $24 plus printing costs.
Set 7, 8, 11, 12, and 14 of the Decodable Readers to Support the Science of Reading by Grade School Snapshots found at: https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Grade-School-Snapshots/Category/Decodable-Books-487112
See the alternative reader sequence here
Wild Learning participates in the Amazon affiliate program. These links serve as a convenient way to provide information about recommended products.
Visit our Services page if you are interested in having Rachel speak at your event, a professional development workshop, meet the author session, or a 1:1 consultation session. Services are subject to schedule availability.
- Practical strategies for incorporating outdoor learning into your classroom or school that target core math, reading, and writing skills
- Implementing Wild Math or Wild Reading in your school or homeschool
- Optimizing outdoor classroom areas
- Bringing nature inside the classroom using routines, resources, and projects
- Homeschooling: deciding to homeschool, getting started, planning, routines, learning disabilities, and more
Books and Materials: Discounted copies of my book Wild Learning: Practical Ideas for Bringing Teaching Outdoors or Wild Math and Wild Reading curriculums can also be included as an add-on cost with any workshop or webinar.