Favorite Math Games for Grades 2-3

This is the second in a series of posts I am doing about some of our favorite math games and homeschool resources. You can find a post featuring math games for upper grades here and my amazon list here*. All Wild Math curriculums have unit specific lists too!

I love games as an alternative to worksheets for practicing math facts and mental math skills. Games also teach so many other math skills!

Dragon Times (multiplication) https://amzn.to/31XVucv⁠

Zeus on the Loose (double-digit addition) https://amzn.to/2QUXCf2⁠

Clumsy Thief (double-digit combinations of 100) https://amzn.to/3hYKelR⁠

Math Stacks Multiplication and Division https://amzn.to/3h2djLM⁠

Mythmatical Battles (multiplication) (Note the link to this in old versions of curriculum has been hacked and is inappropriate) https://www.rainbowresource.com/category/9265/Mythmatical-Battles-Games.html⁠

Secret Code 13+4 (all four processes) https://amzn.to/2EWdtHy⁠

Numbers League (multiplication) https://www.rainbowresource.com/product/013269/Numbers-League-Card-Game.html

This list is just a few highlights of some of our favorite games for math for these grades. For more game recommendations check out the Second Grade Wild Math Curriculum and Third Grade Wild Math Curriculums. Game and book lists for each unit are provided!

Have older/younger kids? There are book and game recommendations for all levels of Wild Math! ou can find a post featuring math games for upper grades here

You can also visit the wild math amazon store*

*Wild Learning participates in the amazon affiliate program. (affiliate links are provided for your convenience, you do not need to buy from them)