Sunrise, Sunset, and Daylight Graphing unit


This unit helps children track and graph the time of the sunrise, sunset, and hours of daylight for a month and over a year (using data from the internet for the year).

In the first project, children will track the sunrise time, sunset time, and hours of daylight where they live for one month. They can use a combination of observation and resources to collect the data. Then they will construct a graph and discuss their findings.

In the second project, children will use data for the length of daylight for each month for their location to construct a graph of the day length for a whole year. An extension activity has children compare day length over one year for their location to one in a different latitude. This unit can be used any time of year. It is best for ages 8-13, younger ages will also enjoy it with adult assistance. This is a unit, not a full curriculum.

This digital unit is 17 pages in length and is provided in a PDF file format. You will receive a link to download the document to the email address used in the checkout process.

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